Home Improvement

Plunging 101: A Step-By-Step Guide To Unclogging A Toilet


Are you faced with the daunting task of how to plunge a toilet

Don’t worry, you are not alone! 

Plunging toilets is one of the most common household maintenance tasks, and it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. 

With the right tools and a step-by-step guide, you can easily tackle this problem yourself. In this article, we will provide an overview of plunging basics that will help make your plumbing problems a breeze. 

Whether you’re dealing with a clog due to paper towels or too much toilet tissue in the bowl, we’ll provide all the information you need to get rid of your blockage quickly and efficiently. 

So grab your plunger and let’s get started!

What You Will Need To Unclog A Toilet

Before getting started, it’s important to ensure you have all the necessary equipment for successful unclogging. 


The most crucial piece of equipment is a plunger. Most households should have a standard cup-style plunger handy. 

However if your clog is particularly nasty or difficult to remove, you may want to invest in an accordion style plunger which provides more power and is specifically designed for plumbing tasks.

Protective Gear 

You’ll want to make sure you have some protective gloves and a face mask on hand as plunging can be an especially messy endeavor. 

This will help ensure you don’t have any of the debris or water splashing onto your skin.

Steps to Unclog a Toilet 

Now that you have all the necessary equipment, it’s time to get down to business!

  • Start by shutting off the water supply so your water doesn’t overflow when unclogging. 
  • Once that’s done, put on your safety gear including gloves and mask. 
  • Then attach the plunger over the opening of the toilet bowl, making sure there is an airtight seal. 
  • Begin plunging in an up-and-down motion for about 30 seconds or until the clog is cleared. 
  • Once you’re done, check the results by flushing and if not satisfied, repeat the process until clog is gone. 
  • Finally, finish up by cleaning any mess that may have resulted from your plunging adventure. 

Tips on Maintaining Your Toilet 

The best way to prevent future toilet clogs is regular maintenance. 

This includes regularly checking for leaks, cleaning hard-to-reach areas of the tank, replacing corroded parts when necessary and properly disposing items that don’t belong in a toilet bowl (e.g., paper towels). 

Additionally, using an enzyme-based cleaner every month can help keep your pipes clean and clear of debris that could cause blockages in the future. 


Plunging a toilet can be both intimidating and messy, but with the right tools and a step-by-step guide, it doesn’t have to be! 

By following this article, you now know what equipment you need, how to prepare for plunging safely and how to unclog clogs. 

Lastly, regular maintenance is key in preventing future plumbing problems so be sure to check your pipes regularly and use an enzyme-based cleaner once a month. 

With these tips in mind, you should be able to tackle any plumbing problem with ease. 

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