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Obesity and Hypertension: A Dangerous Duo  

At our weight loss center Houston residents can learn how to turn their lives around. Living in Houston, we appreciate that our area has an incredibly diverse food culture, with everything from a great Texas BBQ to one of the richest arrays of Vietnamese restaurants anywhere in the United States. We also live close to the so-called “stroke belt” of the southeastern United States known for its deep fried, sweet-tea tastes. With so many food choices, we must remind ourselves to remain vigilant. This involves more than counting calories, especially as we (once again) begin a new year with resolutions that we will probably bend, if not break.

The link between unhealthy weight and high blood pressure is now a global crisis. The International Obesity Task Force claims that more than 312 million adults throughout the world are presently obese, and more than one-billion are overweight. Some medical researchers predict that by 2025 more than 1.5 billion people globally may experience high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. Closer to home, the American Heart Association reports that almost 32 percent of American children aged 2 through 19 are either overweight or obese. More than 78 million U.S. adults have a body mass index above 30, and are classified as obese.

Physicians have long studied the relationship between obesity (especially centered around the abdomen) and high blood pressure. Most research has found strong and direct links between hypertension and excess body weight. The presence of too much fatty tissue can strain the heart, forcing it to work harder to circulate blood. When combined, obesity and hypertension may lead to other diseases and physical impairments that can shorten a life span. While some medicines can stabilize blood pressure, exercise and prevention are better alternatives whenever possible.

One study examined 1.3 million individuals classified of obese or overweight. Surprisingly, one in seven in this large study were found to have normal blood pressure, glucose, and cholesterol levels. While this might lead some to suggest that people can be obese without health risks, the reality is more complex. These “healthier” subjects may still suffer a higher risk of joint pain or kidney complications, among other risks.

What does all this mean? For those of us who are obese or who have loved ones struggling with their weight, the beginning of a new year is more than a time to talk about resolutions. Whenever possible, we should take small steps that will reduce our chance of suffering from prolonged hypertension. There is a weight loss center Houston area residents can visit. Dr. Mirza’s Bariatric Care Centers is nearby and we are ready to meet with you. Contact us today.


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