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How do kratom extracts benefit medical conditions?

A tropical evergreen tree native to Southeast Asia, Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) belongs to the coffee family (Rubiaceae). The medicinal properties and stimulant-like effects of kratom leaves have been used locally for many centuries. As a possible supportive botanical supplement for managing some medical conditions, kratom has gained popularity in the West recently.

Kratom extracts, which are concentrated preparations of kratom, have been the focus of most of the current scientific research into potential therapeutic uses. Kratom extracts feature a higher concentration of the key phytochemicals found in the kratom leaf compared to raw kratom powder or leaf. By harnessing a higher alkaloid content in a convenient concentrated preparation, kratom extracts enable more pronounced and efficient health benefits. 

What medical conditions could kratom extracts benefit?

According to current anecdotal reports and the nascent body of scientific evidence, there are a few key medical conditions that concentrated kratom extracts have potential use in managing. These include:

Pain relief

Kratom’s primary traditional use has been for reducing pain, and the alkaloid mitragynine is thought to interact with opioid receptors in the central nervous system to dull pain senses much like analgesic medications. For chronic pain sufferers especially, kratom extracts taken orally at appropriate doses under medical guidance provide an avenue for tackling pain without the risky side effects of powerful prescription narcotics. Efficacy must be proven through more placebo-controlled clinical trials.

Anti anxiety

There is anecdotal evidence that the best kratom extract can ease symptoms of anxiety, chronic stress, and depression, in addition to physical pain relief. Some emerging animal studies support kratom’s potential as an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) compound. Further clinical research could formalize extract protocols and dosing regimens to balance benefits with safety. 

Energy and focus 

In regions where kratom grows, locals have chewed on raw leaves for centuries for a stimulating lift in energy. Kratom extracts purified primarily from mitragynine appear to have a mild psychostimulant effect which could aid conditions involving tiredness, fatigue, or lack of concentration. As it turns out, kratom’s energy-modulating mechanisms are not completely understood. With proper protocols, kratom’s gentle stimulation could help in an array of conditions while minimizing risks of overstimulation or interactions with other medications/botanicals.

Supporting opiate withdrawal       

Of growing interest is kratom’s potential to ease symptoms of opiate withdrawal which promotes completed quitting of physically addictive narcotic drugs like heroin or chemical painkillers. There is convincing survey data on former addicts using kratom successfully as part of therapy. It works via supplementation, enabling a gradual weaning while alleviating the profound discomfort. Standardized kratom extracts could provide a precisely dosed clean botanical to help those struggling with addiction transition to sobriety under medical oversight.

Immune support

Leaves from the Mitragyna speciosa tree feature an array of complex phytochemicals whose health effects are still unknown. Some early indications suggest kratom is beneficial on the immune system and inflammation regulation. Certain chronic diseases are linked to overinflammation and compromised immunity. Further human trials could reveal supplemental approaches for boosting well-being using kratom extracts rich in immunostimulant compounds.    


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